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Yoga to ward off exhaustion, meditation to numb climate anxiety, crossfit to ignore democratic collapse... What if we stopped believing that sweating harder would save us from chaos? The pressure to engage in self-care is often just a band-aid, an individualistic response to deeply collective crises. Fortunately, other voices are rising up, reminding us that wanting to feel better is a noble intention, as long as we don’t leave this pursuit to the wellness industry, that can be far more insidious than it seems.

Thomas Rozec discusses this with Liv Strömquist, author of La pythie vous parle (éd. Rackham, 2024). For further reading, we highly recommend Politiser le bien être, an excellent essay by Camille Teste published by Binge Audio in 2023. 

CREDITS  : Programme B is a Binge Audio podcast hosted by Thomas Rozec. Producer  : Mathieu Thevenon. Production and editing  : Charlotte Baix. Original music  : François Clos et Thibault Lefranc. Graphic identity  : Sébastien Brothier et Thomas Steffen (Upian). Program director  : Joël Ronez.

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